junior chef


Teen ager in the kitchen

Junior Chef Academy comes from the exciting experience of cooking classes for children, “little chefs”, from 6 to 10, that since 2010 have seen a growing demand.

The first edition began in September 2013 .We are aware of  the specific requirements of teenagers and their desire for a full immersion   approach to the world of cooking: it is an annual programme of weekly cooking courses for children from 8 to 12 and from 13 to 16 eager to start a unique experience in the kitchen!


E’ cucina offers children the opportunity  to experience the world of cooking in a safe environment that encourages discovery and creativity.

During the course, which takes place  in a relaxed atmosphere helped by interactive techniques, not only do the children really cook, but they learn, while having fun, the basics of professional cooking, that will constitute precious experience for anything they will do in the future.

Not only will you cook during the course but , without heavy theoretical sessions, you will learn naturally, through interactive technology, the basic notions of hygiene in the kitchen, the presentation of dishes, the properties of various foods


Basic program:

  • Basic Dought
  • Sauces
  • Cooking meats
  • Cooking fish
  • Cooking vegetables
  • Basic pastries


To ensure the safety and effectiveness of the lessons, courses  will have a limited number of participants. Registration takes place after a short interview, to establish motivation from May and not later than 15 September.

To book your interview please contact the Secretary on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 5p.m. to 8 p.m. or phone 3341934095 after 3 o’clock.

Subscription to the courses is necessary for the entire school year. Medical certificate and the kitchen uniform of E’ Cucina will be required .
